تحليل تطبيقات آلة سحب الأسلاك النحاسية.

تحليل تطبيقات آلة سحب الأسلاك النحاسية.


1. The wire drawing machine belongs to the metal wire drawing machine in the metal products equipment industry

It belongs to the pre-processing equipment for the production of standard parts and other metal products. Degree, internal metallographic structure, surface finish and straightness all meet the raw material processing requirements for the production of standard parts and other metal products. Therefore, the pretreatment quality of wire or bar by wire drawing machine is directly related to the product quality of standard parts and other metal products manufacturers; the wire drawing machine is widely used in the production and preprocessing of metal products such as steel wire, rope making wire, prestressed steel wire and standard parts.

2. Application of copper wire drawing machine

(1) Structure and tension principle of single frequency conversion wire drawing machine

The single frequency conversion is an in-line tower wheel structure. The box body of the old single frequency conversion copper wire drawing machine is mostly semi-cast, and the bearing positioning is front and rear. The seal is a skeleton oil seal. The principle of tension is mainly to collect the host pulse and take-up pulse signal, and then process it by PLC to control the tension, that is to say, the tension of the single frequency conversion wire drawing machine has a variable relative slip. By adjusting the given value of the DIP switch, the corresponding slip can be obtained, because there is a slip, so the single-conversion wire drawing machine has better adaptability to general copper wires and molds, that is, the reason that the workers in the industry say that the single frequency conversion is easy to open.

(2) Structure and tension principle of double frequency conversion wire drawing machine

In the double frequency conversion market, the vertical structure is adopted, and the bearing is unilaterally positioned, and mechanical seals are used. Both the mainframe and the take-up are driven by separate motors. In order to solve the linkage between these two motors, the tension control of the double-conversion copper wire drawing machine has also gone through the era of tension board - the era of computer tension display screen - special winding In the inverter era, the latter is now used, which is convenient, simple and practical. Through the position of the tension pendulum, the precision potentiometer is driven to divide the pressure, and it is sent to the rewinding frequency conversion as a feedback signal, and then the PID operation is used to achieve the effect of controlling the tension.

So which of these two equipment is better? One point of view is that single frequency conversion is better, and the speed can be driven to the highest speed, especially the relatively low requirements for wires and molds. This party's point of view is that dual frequency conversion is garbage and does not drive fast. The mold is slightly worn and the speed is pulled up and the thread is broken.

One point of view is that double frequency conversion is good, the output is high, the wire surface is good, and energy saving. The single frequency conversion wire drawing machine cannot be used, it is too old-fashioned, and the bearing is easy to break, and the oil seal cannot be worn out. Once the oil leaks, the bearing will be completely damaged, and the maintenance cost is too high. The bearing of the double frequency conversion wire drawing machine can reach 5-7 years without replacement, and the mechanical seal does not need to worry about the wear of the oil seal.

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