متطلبات التركيب والاحتياطات لآلة سحب الأسلاك المصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ

متطلبات التركيب والاحتياطات لآلة سحب الأسلاك المصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ


The stainless steel wire drawing machine is mainly used for the surface treatment of metal. The ss wire drawing machine adopts physical properties to polish the workpiece while keep the performance of the workpiece does not change at the same timed. For stainless steel wire drawing machine, the following requirements need to be met during the installation and use:

Installation and Use Requirements of Stainless Steel Wire Drawing Machine

  • The installation foundation of the stainless steel wire drawing machine must be very stable and avoid vibrating.

  • Before starting the machine, check the air supply and circuit conditions of the stainless steel wire drawing machine to see if there is any air leakage and water accumulation. Install the abrasive belt of the stainless steel wire drawing machine correctly, and the lubrication level of the lifting screw of the upper and lower shafts should be tested.  Make sure that there is no one on the discharge, and then the machine can be turned on.

  • Avoid frequent starting and stopping during the use, which will affect the drawing effect and increase the wear of the drawing die.

  • In the process of using stainless steel wire drawing machine, operators shall not leave their jobs at will, so as to avoid accidents.

  • Gloves must be worn when the stainless steel wire drawing machine is operating, because the workpiece will generate high temperature during wire drawing. Wearing gloves can prevent your finger burn and avoid affecting the surface quality of the product.

Precautions for the Use of SS Wire Drawing Machine

  • Check whether the lubrication level of each lubricating point is in right places, whether the pressure of the water and gas lines is within the qualified range, and whether there is a falling wire rack on the trolley. Then pull the wire rack and the trolley to the designated positions, put down the pulling claw, and connect it with the pulling claw.

  • Turn on the power and let the AC main motor run without load for a certain period of time. Place the wire drawing die into the die box of the stainless steel wire drawing machine, and thread the wire that has been nearly tipped in advance into the mold, or pull it into it with a wire drawing pliers and press it tightly. Hang the other end of the wire drawing pliers directly above the reel. Then turn on the speed regulation, and let the drum rotate slowly for 10 to 20 turns with the traction wire. Metal Tech is a steel wire drawing machine manufacturer who has various types of wire drawing machine for sale, including machines for straight line wire, wheel type wire, water tank wire, vertical type wire, and so on. Welcome to contact us for steel wire drawing machine price list.

  • Remove the wire drawing pliers and withdraw the wire for two to three turns. Manually control the air valve, and let the wire pressing roller press the wire on the reel tightly. Pull the previously withdrawn wire to the drop frame superior. Then start the host at a slower speed, and gradually increase the speed, and the stainless steel wire drawing machine can enter the working state normally. Here we provide a ss wire drawing machine introduction video for you to get better understanding of it.

  • When the stainless steel wire drawing machine is working under the normal state, there should be no personnel working under the equipment. When the drop frame is full of wires, the ss wire drawing machine will be stopped immediately. Manually control the air valve to release the pressing roller, push out the trolley, lift all the wires on the drop frame, and finally push the trolley in to work again.

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