ما هي هياكل أفران التلدين؟

ما هي هياكل أفران التلدين؟


1. Introduction to annealing furnace for sale

Wire Annealing furnace is a process used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices, including heating multiple semiconductor wafers to affect their electrical properties. The heat treatment is designed for different effects. The wafer can be heated to activate the dopants and convert the thin film into the wafer substrate interface. It can change the state of the growing film, repair the implanted damage, move the dopant or transfer the dopant from one film to another or from the film into the wafer substrate.

The wire annealing furnace can be integrated into other furnace processing steps, such as oxidation, or it can be processed by itself. The annealing furnace is completed by equipment specially designed for heating semiconductor wafers. The electric annealing furnace is an energy-saving periodic operating furnace with a super energy-saving structure and a fiber structure that saves 60% of electricity.

Except electric solution annealing furnace, metal tech has gas annealing furnace, LPG solution annealing furnace and hydrogen annealing furnace, which are also popular among our customer.

2. The structure of the wire annealing furnace

The skeleton of the annealing furnace is welded by various section steels. Channel steel is used as the main beam for the outer frame, cold thin plate is used for the hoarding, channel steel is used as the main beam for the trolley, and the bottom plate and the front and rear end plates are medium plates.

(1) Transmission part of annealing furnace

The trolley is driven by a motor and a speed reducer through a chain to drive a set of driving wheels at the front end. The furnace door drive adopts a combination of turbine reducer and electric motor for electric lifting.

(2) Seal

The trolley and the furnace body are sealed with a labyrinth structure, and there are automatic sand-sealing knife sealing devices on both sides of the trolley. The door of the annealing furnace is sealed with a rolling track compression and spring compression automatic mechanism. The furnace body part adopts a high-quality refractory brick structure to ensure the tightness of the furnace chamber. The pressure-resistant part of the trolley is built with high-alumina bricks, and the lower part is equipped with insulation bricks for heat preservation.

(3) Wire Annealing furnace combustion system

Several burners are installed on both sides of the oil furnace, and the heat flow reciprocates in the furnace to ensure the uniformity of furnace temperature. Automatic type and semi-automatic type can be selected according to needs.

(4) Smoke exhaust preheating device

Install a fume exhaust preheating device at the upper end of the furnace. When the flue gas in the furnace passes through the preheater, it will be preheated by the fan with cold air, and then sent to the burner by the pipeline to support combustion, and a manual disc is installed at the outlet Valve, the valve can adjust the pressure in the furnace. Wire annealing furnaces are widely used in the process of heating, cooling, condensation, and evaporation in industrial sectors such as chemical industry, petroleum, food, metallurgy, machinery, light industry, electric power, shipbuilding, papermaking, mining, medicine, and central heating.

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