ثمانية ملامح لآلة شبكة سداسية الشكل الثقيلة

ثمانية ملامح لآلة شبكة سداسية الشكل الثقيلة


The Method of Identifying the Quality of Hexagonal Wire Mesh

The quality of the hexagonal wire mesh machine really matters and its quality problem cannot be ignored.  Because it is related to the safety problem during the erection, So, how do you know if the quality of the hexagonal mesh is good or bad? First of all, look at the mesh surface of the hexagonal mesh. If mesh surface is relatively well organized and plain, it means this hexagonal mesh has been gone through a good production process. Generally speaking, the amplitude of the hexagonal mesh surface after unfolding should not be greater than 80mm.

Hexagonal Wire Mesh Uses

As a type of wire mesh, twisting hexagonal wire mesh is widely used in petrochemical, construction, aquaculture, etc. such as building wall fixing, floor concrete board reinforcement, heat preservation, heat insulation; power plant wrapping pipes, boiler heat preservation, antifreeze, residential protection, landscaping protection. It can also be used for fish, chicken, duck, rabbit and other animal enclosures.

The advantages of hexagonal wire mesh for the bridge protection: double-twisted hexagonal metal mesh is used to protect bridge piers and the bridges itself. This plastic-coated double-twisted hexagonal metal mesh is tightly combined with the protected surface, effectively preventing landslides. This is due to the effective interception of the metal mesh. The size of the metal mesh has a lot to do with the wire diameter of the metal wire.

Eight Highlights of Heavy-duty Hexagonal Wire Mesh Machine

The heavy-duty hexagonal netting is also called hanging net, stone blocking net and mountain protection net. It can be used for slope support, hanging net shotcrete on mountain rock surface, slope planting and greening, railway and expressway isolation fence, and it can also be made of stone. Cage nets are used for scouring prevention and control of rivers, dams and seawalls, as well as rock cages for the closure of reservoirs and rivers. MTC will introduce the reasons for choosing the heavy-duty hexagonal wire mesh machine.

(1) Strong intrinsic ability: The flexibility of the heavy-duty hexagonal mesh structure provides intrinsic strength to withstand and defuse the pressure of water and soil exerted by the masses.

(2) Easy to maintain: The heavy-duty hexagonal mesh mechanism is easy to maintain using additional mesh or grout.

(3) Simple extension: more units are simply appended to the existing ones.

(4) Due to the flexibility of the rigid structure: the construction permits the different natural adjustment of the hexagonal mesh without causing fractures or structural collapse to the earth's settlement conditions.

(5) Service life: The gaps between the stones naturally accumulate over time. Silt supports grass and plant growth, and it acts as a serving stone binder.

(6) Economical and practical: Filling materials are usually found on or near the site. No structural repairs are necessary, and foundation work is often unnecessary.

(7) Beautiful structure: Stone makes the structure beautiful, especially when plants grow.

(8) Good penetration: The heavy-duty hexagonal wire mesh machine structure allows water to pass through, the water pressure cannot build up behind, and the structure keeps draining away.

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