طريقة تشحيم سلك الرسم لآلة سحب الأسلاك الفولاذية

طريقة تشحيم سلك الرسم لآلة سحب الأسلاك الفولاذية


The stainless steel wire drawing machine is mainly used for the surface drawing and sweeping treatment of the metal. The machine has some physical properties so that the performance of the workpiece does not change while the workpiece is polished. Next, MTC will tell you about the drawing lubrication method of the stainless steel wire drawing machine and the precautions for the use of the stainless steel wire drawing machine.

Ⅰ. Wire drawing lubrication method of stainless steel wire drawing machine

(1) Distributed lubrication of a single die groove

It is mainly used for accumulating multi-die wire drawing machines without sliding. It has no restrictions on the shape of the lubricant, and it plays a cooling role through the circulating water in the die groove. Since the die groove is open, the lubricant can be directly observed, which is easy to adjust, but it is also easy to contaminate the equipment and site.

(2) Immersion lubrication

Emulsion and liquid oil lubricants are used for sliding stainless steel wire drawing machines. The lubricant is contained in the special groove of the stainless steel wire drawing machine. The drum, wire segment and die are all immersed in the lubricant. The structure is simple and can ensure continuous lubrication and cooling of the die, drum and wire.

(3) Circulating lubrication system

On the sliding continuous wire drawing machine, it is ensured that the lubricating fluid has a fixed composition and a certain temperature, which can be used in a single machine or in a concentrated use of several stainless steel wire drawing machines. Its advantage is that the metal chips in the lubricating fluid can be fully precipitated, and regular cleaning can ensure the cleanliness of the lubricating fluid.

Ⅱ. Precautions for the use of stainless steel wire drawing machine

The stainless steel wire drawing machine is mainly used for the surface drawing and sweeping treatment of metals, such as stainless steel, aluminum, copper, alloys, etc. Many new users do not know much about stainless steel wire drawing machines, and they often operate incorrectly, resulting in various failures.

(1) Check whether the lubrication level of each lubrication point of the stainless steel wire drawing machine is in place, whether the pressure of the water and gas lines is within the qualified range, and whether there is a falling wire rack on the trolley. Pull all the wire racks and the trolley to the designated position, lower the claw and connect it to the claw.

(2) Turn on the power supply and let the AC main motor run without load for a certain period of time. Place the wire drawing die into the die box of the stainless steel wire drawing machine. Thread the steel wire that has been nearly rolled into the die beforehand, or into the wire drawing pliers and press it tightly, and the other end of the wire drawing pliers should be hung directly above the reel, and the speed control button is turned on to make the reel rotate slowly with the traction wire for about ten to twenty turns.

(3) Remove the wire drawing pliers and withdraw the wire and then rotate for two to three turns, manually control the air valve, let the wire pressing roller press the wire on the reel tightly, and finally pull the previously withdrawn wire to the drop frame. Then use a slow speed to turn on the host, and then gradually increase the speed, so the stainless steel wire drawing machine can enter the working state normally.

(4) When the stainless steel wire drawing machine is working normally, no personnel can perform other work under the equipment. When the drop frame is full of wires, stop immediately, manually control the air valve to release the pressing roller, push out the trolley, then lift all the wires on the drop frame. Finally push the trolley in and the machine can work again.

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