مبدأ عمل ماكينة السحب بالأسلاك وتطبيقاتها

مبدأ عمل ماكينة السحب بالأسلاك وتطبيقاتها


The overview of wire drawing machine for sale

Wire drawing machine is also known as drawing machine and wire drawer. It is a piece of common mechanical equipment in industrial application, which is widely used in machinery manufacturing, hardware processing, petrochemical industry, plastics, bamboo and wood products, wire and cable industry, and other industries. Metal Tech has been a manufacturer of wire drawing machines in china, inquiry now.

The working principle of wire drawing plant for sale

The raw wire is formed into the finished product through the fixed speed wheel group and drawing die, and then transported to the take-up wheel through the arranging guide wheel at a certain speed through the last fixed speed wheel. The wire drawing machine for sale is to ensure that there is a certain tension of the wire between the constant speed wheel and take-up wheel to complete the drawing process. The constant speed wheel set is driven by the main motor, the speed is determined by the product specification, and the linear speed is also certain. The linear speed of the take-up wheel increases with the increase of take-up reel diameter. In order to ensure a certain tension, that is, to keep the linear speed of wire feed and wire take-up consistent, it is necessary to continuously reduce the speed of the take-up wheel to ensure that the linear speed of the take-up wheel is constant. The speed regulation of the take-up wheel is realized by the speed regulating motor.

The application of drawing machine for sale

Wire drawing machine is common in industrial applications of mechanical equipment, which is widely used in machinery manufacturing, hardware processing, petrochemical, plastic, bamboo and wood products, wire and cable and other industries. Metal drawing machine is used for pre-processing of standard parts and other metal products; plastic drawing machine is a special complete set of equipment for deep processing of hollow, solid round or flat yarn with polyester, nylon, polyethylene, polypropylene and polyester chips as raw materials in plastic products industry; bamboo and wood drawing machine is special equipment for reprocessing the bamboo and wood thread in the bamboo and wood product industries such as making chopsticks, toothpicks, barbecue sticks.

Metal Tech's straight line wire drawing machinewater drawing machinepointing machine for wire drawing and automatic wire straightening and cutting machine are professional among many applications. Check if you have any interests.

Materials and technology of metal drawing machine

Metal Tech' s wire drawing machines for sale are available for many types of material, such as aluminium wire drawing machine, copper wire drawing machines and steel wire drawing machines. In addition, our wire drawing plant uses advanced processing technologies, bull block machine, high carbon wire drawing machine,  scrubber wire drawing machine and intermediate wire drawing machine. Check more infomations via wire drawing machine pdf. Inquiry Metal Tech for wire drawing machine for sale.

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