ترقية نظام نقل آلة سحب الأسلاك

ترقية نظام نقل آلة سحب الأسلاك


Leveraging Machine transmission structure is mostly gear transmission. In many years of practical production, this transmission structure is mainly manifested in water entering the casing, oil leakage and damage to parts such as bearings and gears. This causes the drum to swing, high noise, and poor on-site environment. To change this situation, according to the various parameters of the gear transmission box, the corresponding parameters of the timing belt are determined. However, theoretically selecting the corresponding parameters of the timing belt transmission cannot meet the operational requirements of the Leveraging Machine. By modifying the corresponding parameters based on experience, the timing belt can meet the operational needs of the Leveraging Machine.

Currently, timing belt transmission is mainly used in various light textile machinery, instruments and meters, automobiles and other light industrial machinery. The timing belt has the advantages of both belt and chain transmissions during use: smooth transmission with low noise, accurate transmission ratio, small force on the shaft, high transmission efficiency, good oil and wear resistance, compact transmission structure. In addition, the toothed belt transmission itself does not require lubrication. After replacing the gear transmission box, the casing structure can be removed, which solves the problems of water entering the casing, oil leakage, and noise. However, because the timing belt transmission box cannot meet the operational requirements of the Leveraging Machine based on the various parameters of the gear transmission box, some parameters are modified based on experience to design a set of non-standard timing belts and pulleys. From the results of the test, this transmission box can meet the operational requirements of the Leveraging Machine.

1. Pre-modification of the Leveraging Machine

The problems of the gear transmission reducer of the Leveraging Machine are mainly concentrated in the following areas:

(1) Cooling water enters the box through the main shaft, destroying the lubrication of the bearings and gears, causing wear or damage to the gears and bearings in the box. The equipment often breaks down, leading to high maintenance costs.

(2) After water enters the casing, lubricating oil spills out, causing environmental pollution and seriously affecting on-site civilized production.

(3) The gear in the casing bears a large alternating load, and the noise and temperature are high during operation.

2. Effect after the modification of the Leveraging Machine

After the sample of the Leveraging Machine was modified and put into use for one year, compared with the closed gear transmission of the main reducer, it showed significantly better results in use. Production requirements were met, and design effects were achieved.

(1) Improved equipment operating capacity, reduced machine failure time, and provided powerful guarantees for completing production tasks.

(2) Thoroughly solved the problem of water entering and oil leaking from the casing, no oil pollution, and improved the working environment for workers.

(3) Smooth transmission, reduced on-site noise, and was conducive to the physical and mental health of workers.

(4) Easy to disassemble and replace, reducing the labor intensity of maintenance workers.

(5) Improved equipment operation accuracy, improved product quality, and reduced product production costs.

(6) The toothed belt transmission mechanism can be exchanged and promoted on dry-based Leveraging Machines.

From the situation of the experimental machine installed and used over the past year, the modified transmission mechanism not only has a smooth transmission, saves spare parts costs, and is conducive to product quality and reduced product production costs, but also reduces on-site noise, is conducive to the physical and mental health of workers, and improves the working environment for workers. However, since the synchronous pulleys of the toothed belt transmission mechanism are inverted, the pulleys do not require double-sided retaining rings and can be satisfied with single-sided retaining rings. This needs to be changed when promoting the use of the mechanism.

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